Entitled Democrat Goes Into A Walmart
News, Opinion, Local, Politics, Featured Ron Dobson News, Opinion, Local, Politics, Featured Ron Dobson

Entitled Democrat Goes Into A Walmart

Eyewitnesses report that an entitled Democrat was spotted inside a Walmart this week, raising questions, concerns, and even mild panic among regular shoppers. The incident occurred Tuesday evening in an undisclosed location (to protect the terrified witnesses), when an individual, later identified as local Democrat voter Taylor Winslow, was seen perusing the aisles of the beloved all-American retail chain. Eyewitnesses say Winslow looked “out of place” and “suspiciously comfortable” among the selection of good big mayonnaise, camouflage Crocs, and even the bins of decorations still from Fourth of July.

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OPINION: Poker? I Know Her Too Well
News, Opinion Ron Dobson News, Opinion Ron Dobson

OPINION: Poker? I Know Her Too Well

There was a time when I didn’t know poker very well. I’d heard of her, sure. Maybe even flirted with the idea of getting to know her better on a Saturday night with friends. But now? Now I know her too well. Intimately. Obsessively. The way an abandoned lighthouse keeper knows the tides—constantly watching, always at their mercy.

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