Atlanta, GA — Folks, we have yet another example of America’s elites rubbing their privilege in the faces of real, hardworking travelers. Meet Jeff Lancaster: a so-called “Comfort Plus” passenger who loves watching everyday Americans trudge past him to the cramped back rows, all while enjoying his extra two inches of legroom like some kind of airport aristocrat.

Witnesses report that Lancaster, who probably has never changed his own oil, sat with a smug expression as weary, overworked passengers filed past him, struggling with bags, children, and the crushing weight of inflation. “I worked hard for this upgrade,” Lancaster reportedly muttered, before stretching his legs in outrageous excess.

Hardworking American Lisa Hernandez, a mother of three who was just trying to get home after a grueling week at work, said she felt a wave of silent judgment radiating from Lancaster’s overpriced seat. “It wasn’t first-class snobbery—those people don’t even see us,” Hernandez explained. “No, this was Comfort Plus snobbery. He was one of us once, but he’s chosen to look down on us.”

And get this—Lancaster didn’t even pay for comfort plus. He used airline points from some cooked-up corporate travel scheme, meaning his so-called “status” was just another handout from the airline elites.

Folks, this is what we’re dealing with in America today: an out-of-touch travel class that thinks they’re better than the working class just because they get a free bag of pretzels and an extra half-can of soda. Meanwhile, you—the realAmericans—are stuffed in the back, paying more than ever for flights, baggage fees, and seats so tight they’d make your granddaddy’s pickup truck feel like a five-star resort.

How much longer are we gonna put up with this?

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